The website is managed by is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit, tax-exempt organization incorporated under the laws of the State of California in 1999 as ForestEthics (EIN: 94-3331587).
Our U.S. address: 548 Market Street
Suite 74196
San Francisco, CA 94104-5401
+1 415 863 4563
You can visit most portions of without telling us who you are and without revealing any personal information. The only information we collect from a website visit is the name of your internet service provider, the browser and type of machine you are using, the website that referred you to us, the pages you request and the date, time, and geographic location (city, state, and country only) from which you request them. We use this information to generate statistics and measure site activity in order to improve the quality of our site to our visitors. We also use cookies.
Like most websites, may place a “cookie,” or small file, in the browser files of a visitor’s computer. We use cookies to save information so that you don’t have to re-enter it each time you visit our site. Certain features of our software platforms require that each Web page recognize your entire visit and remember which steps you have taken–this is called session tracking. Our website uses cookies, or a functionally equivalent technology, to track sessions. You have the option of opting out of cookies when you first visit the site.
Supporters can write to [email protected], to obtain details about what information we store about them, to opt out of our list or any sharing services might subscribe to, or to request changes to his or her personal data as collected by Supporters and donors have the “Right to be Forgotten” and can write to [email protected] to request that all their personal data as collected by be removed from all our records. and our agents will notify authorities within 72 hours in case of any data breaches.
Visitors under the age of 13 (US) or 16 (EU & elsewhere), please ask your parent/guardian for their consent before submitting your personal information to this site. If we have reason to believe that someone is underage and we have collected their personal information without proper consent, we will delete that information in a reasonable period of time.
We encourage you to voluntarily share your email address and other personally identifiable information with us, because we can’t build the movement we need to protect our climate without you. All such information is collected and stored in a manner appropriate to the nature of the data. makes every effort to insure the secure collection and transmission of sensitive user information using industry-accepted data collection and encryption methodologies. You can read the privacy policy of our secure data collection and storage software, Action Network, for additional information on your email and information submitted via our signup or action pages. does not sell or otherwise disclose user information outside the organization for commercial purposes. If you sign up to receive updates from or if you sign on to support any of our online petitions or actions, we commit to providing you with accurate and timely information about our campaign activities. While the vast majority of communications will come to you directly from Stand, some information on our lists, such as your name and email, may be provided to trusted allies from time to time. These allies may, for example, be organizing events in your community.You may opt out of communication from Stand at any time by clicking the “unsubscribe” link at the bottom of our blast emails. provides alerts and updates to subscribers on including volunteer opportunities, contribution opportunities, and civic engagement alerts.
For all questions about the services provided by this 10DLC texting program you can send an email to [email protected]
Contact Information
548 Market Street, Suite 74196,
San Francisco, California, 94104, US
Email Address: [email protected] reserves the right to change its policy as necessary.