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Urge Citi to stop financing Amazon destruction

Let’s send the message to the bank’s executives

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Citi executives must stop destroying Amazonia and warming our planet

Out of 160 banks, Citibank is the second highest financier of Amazon oil and gas projects – with over $1.8 billion USD worth of financing.

This fossil fuel bank has been steadily creating climate chaos all while publicly agreeing to climate commitments. Amazonia has already been forced to a tipping point due to forest destruction caused by industrial activities. The Indigenous Peoples of Amazonia are calling for an urgent protection of 80% of the region by 2025. The International Energy Agency (IEA) has already warned that there can be no new fossil fuel projects if the world is to stay within the 1.5°C limit on global warming.

We are calling on Citi to fully exit financing for Amazon oil and gas. As we enter a new era of climate chaos, it is imperative that banks stop financing oil and gas in Amazonia.

Add your name today to urge Citi to stop financing the destruction of Amazonia and the planet.

Note: Check out and Stand Research Group’s recent report, “Capitalizing on Collapse” to see which banks are responsible for the $20 billion USD financing of Amazon oil and gas over the past 15 years.

Add your name and tell Citi to stop financing Amazon destruction

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